The 2004 documentary Detox or Die documented how the Scottish filmmaker David Graham Scott successfully managed to quit his 16 year long heroin / methadone addiction after a single dose of Iboga.
The documentary was aired by the BBC and helped to inspire many other drug addicts to go down that route in order to try and beat their own addictions. Ibogaine treatment is said to have very impressive success rates, but it is not without its risks.
David Graham Scott returns in this 2014 follow up Iboga Nights he wants to find out just how effective Iboga really is, and whether the astonishing success rates can be believed.
He films at the base of a Dutch Iboga practitioner and observes as several addicts consume a dose and embark on a long night of psychedelic detox. Whilst making the film one of the patients ends up on a life support machine, leading to the arrest of the practitioner, and David begins to ask questions about the safety of Iboga.
It is said that around 1 in every 300 people who take a dose of Iboga will die.