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Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy by Saj Razvi

  • Denne begivenhed er allerede afholdt.

Recording of lecture:


We are delighted to offer you a unique opportunity to learn from a highly skilled psychedelic therapist and founder of Psychedelic Somatic Institute.

Saj Razvi is the Director of Education at Psychedelic Somatic Institute. He is a psychotherapist and former clinical researcher in the MAPS Phase 2 trial of MDMA-assisted psychotherapy. He is faculty at Synthesis, Mind Medicine Australia and has taught PTSD studies at the University of Denver. He is one of the primary developers of the “Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Psychotherapy” (PSIP) modality, which is the topic for this lecture. Saj’s primary focus is to train clinicians to provide legal, effective psychedelic treatment in their private practice settings utilizing readily accessible medicines such as cannabis and ketamine. He provides PSI trainings and supervision to students internationally.

The PSIP model is effective in working with clients who are burdened by trauma, manifesting as PTSD, stress, anxiety, depression or dissociation, patients who might not be ideal candidates for classical psychedelic therapy. The model works within the framework of the autonomous nervous system, and focuses on somatic trauma release via primary rather than secondary consciousness states, ie. direct experiencing and release of the trauma somatically rather than abstract, intellectual analysis, using psycholytic doses of cannabis or ketamine, and with the interaction with the therapist as a crucial component.

“Most of us tend to operate from the higher order mental constructs, insight, and abstracted model of reality that constitute our conscious mind. Underneath this layer of cognition is a felt sense, visceral experience, and a corresponding primary consciousness that is evolutionarily far older and foundational to us.”

What is highly interesting is that the modality charts and works within the framework of the autonomous nervous system, and does not rely only on talk therapy but on somatic experiencing and processing of the trauma underneath. In the space of 3 hours, Saj Razvi will give an introduction to the framework and method, drawing on video footage from actual therapy sessions with commentary, and answer questions from the audience.

We highly recommend this talk for those interested in how psychedelic therapy can look in practice, using a somatic model as well as working carefully with relational transference.  Attending this lecture won’t be enough to responsibly facilitate this kind of therapy – for that you need personal experience and training in the modality – but the therapeutical framework is highly useful, and we hope many will attend to evolve the theoretic understanding in the field.

For more information about Saj Razvi and the model, we recommend this podcast.


Admission: 100 kr, purchased here on this site or in cash or MobilePay at the venue (in which case spaces are not guaranteed).

Members of Psykedelisk Samfund can attend for half price – log in before buying.

Students can buy a 50 kr discounted ticket. If you are eligible, use the discount code student50 and show your student card at the door.
(This makes it free for students who are also members!)


Center for Sundhed og Samfund (CSS)
Room 1.1.18 (building 1, first floor, room 18).
Please be arrived by 18:00.

Generalforsamling 2022 »
Onsdag d. 28. september 2022, kl. 18:00-21:00
Center for Sundhed og Samfund
1.1.18, Øster Farimagsgade 5
København K, Danmark