International Mushroom Day 2023
- Denne begivenhed er allerede afholdt.
!!! SOLD OUT !!!
We will once again celebrate the International
Magic Mushroom Day on this sacred date of 9/20! It is an invitation to “find the others”, listen to some awesome transportational tunes and celebrate the fungal friends from beyond.
=[ MUSIC ]=
This year we have an absolutely KILLER LINEUP with some of the best curators and in Denmark:
- Ras Money aka Rasmus Poulsen is a good friend of the associaton, best known in the public for his original music as “Raske Penge”, and also an entrepreneur in the CBD cannabis space with “Raske Planter”.
- Rumpistol is a celebrated electronic music composer, who is very soon releasing an album with music designed specifically for psychedelic therapy, “Going Inside”, that he will play some teasers from.
- Mantra Flow is a versatile electronic DJ, composer and producer who has travelled the world playing sets at psychedelic festivals near and far. He will close the night revealing some new cuts he’s been cooking up on psy-dub-trap side – sure to be a dance!
- Luca Tomasicchio will open the event with improvisational music on his double bass!
Awareness about the healing potentials of psychedelics is good. However, at this point in time mission is somewhat accomplished – what we really need now is Knowledge and Wisdom about how to use it properly. We will therefore host some talks to get your noggin’ stimulated and questions answered.
Talk: Medicinal Mushrooms by Clean Fungi
Clean Fungi is a startup growing high-quality (non-psychoactive) medicinal mushrooms such as Reishi, Lion’s Mane and Turkey Tail. If you are interested in the medicinal and salutory effects of mushrooms in general, this is for you.
Q&A: Psilocybin for microdosing, therapy and sacred journeys
We invite you to ask your questions about psychedelics in general and mushrooms in particular, and we will discuss it in an informal circle by the fire in the courtyard 
18.00: Welcome & Luca Tomasicchio
18.20: Medicinal Mushrooms by Clean Fungi
19.00: Ras Money
20.45: Rumpistol
22.30: Mantra Flow
There is a cozy in-door space for knowledge dissemination and musical appreciation, plus an outdoor garden for social communitas, sitting by the fire, sharing your story and learning from those with a few more steps on the psychedelic path.
Purchase your ticket here on this website. NB! SOLD OUT!!
If you sign up as a new member we will gift you the ticket for free as a welcome gift. (Your new membership will be valid as a ticket in the door)
Lighthouse – Refshalevej 209A
Access through the courtyard on the south side of Musikværftet.
Easy access via bus 2A.
We generally welcome co-creation in performances, fire spinning jam and visionary art. Please
reach out if you wish to contribute.
This event will mostly be held in english, to be inclusive towards the international psychedelic community also present.
While we support individual’s rights to augment their consciousness responsibly, we do not provide or facilitate any direct way to do so. If guests choose to alter their consciousness, it is on their own risk and responsibility, and we ask that any such potential dabblings stay in the micro- to moderate range.
There will be no alcohol served as the venue does not have a “bevilling”. No need to bring your own – it’s not really our vibe anyway.
Income from the event will go to support the venue, artists and cover costs. We don’t expect a profit from this event but hope that you will consider becoming a member to support us in the future.
Leave no trace – don’t throw trash cigarette buds etc. in the nature (nor in the fire
Generalforsamling 2023 »